Terminal leave, now often referred to as transitional leave, is the type of leave servicemembers accrue before they transition out of the military. It's tempting to use your leave liberally while in the service, but saving terminal leave can make your transition smooth and even enjoyable. Many servicemembers are very careful about saving up their maximum allotment of 60 days terminal leave, but spending that time wisely is another trick altogether. Successful transitions don't happen once you leave the military, they start months, even years, in advance.
While Terminal Leave sounds like a form of special leave, it is really just the act of using any remaining leave you have built up before you make the final transition from military service to civilian life.
Merit employees who enter active military service are entitled to a leave of absence for the period of time of their tour of duty, extended for 90 calendar days beyond the date on which their active duty terminates. In addition, Merit employees who ...